Llama , Walnut, Cast Stone, Macaw Feathers, Books, Copper, Obsidian, Found Branch, Steel Chain, Bullet Casings, Epoxy Resin, Chamomile Petals, Rose Petals, Huaryruro Seed, Prayer Beads, 42″ x 22.5″ x 11.5″, 2023
Mallqui II , Found Branch, Copper Chain, Copper Nails, Cast Stone, Rosaries, Prayer Beads, Steel, Juniper Branches Alpaca Wool, Wax, Bullet Casing, Epoxy Resin, Dried Yellow Potato, 4 x 2 x 6 feet, 2023
“Sacred Heart”, Red Cedar, Copper Chain, Huayruro Seed, Macaw Feathers, Prayer Beads, Rosary, Copper Nails 12″ x 10″ x 1″, 2023
Longinus , Cast Stone, Copper, Epoxy Clay, Macaw Feathers, Copper Chain, Steel, 66″ x 12″ x 24″, 2023
Two Grains of Wheat at 601Artspace
Amaru , Red Cedar, Copper, Steel, Cast Stone, Alpaca Skull, Copper Chain, Artificial Pothos, Huayruro Seeds, Medallion, Prayer Beads, Dried Yellow Potatoes, 54″ x 30″ x 12″, 2023
Calvario , Found Charred Wood, Steel, Cast Stone, Rose Petals, Juniper Branches, Polyurethane Resin, Epoxy, Wax, Rosaries, Copper, Huayruro, Medallion, Alpaca Wool, 45″ x 24.5″ x 12″, 2023
Tableau , Walnut, Epoxy Resin, Huayruro Seed, Copper Chain, Medallion, Copper Drypoint, Prayer Beads, 2.5’x1’, 2023
Mallqui , Found Branch, Copper, Cast Stone, Macaw Feather, Huayruro Seeds, Medallion, Crucifix, Prayer Beads, Found Charcoal, Bullet Casing, Epoxy Resin, Dried Yellow Potato, 4 x 2 x 6 feet, 2023
Transubstantiation , Cast Stone, Artificial Pothos, Copper Etching, Steel Nails, Copper Nails, 5’x.75’x.5′, 2022
Untitled (clutching, fixed) , Artificial Pothos, Cast Stone, Copper Nail, Copper Chain, Huayruro Seeds, Medallion, 20”x20”x6”, 2022
Untitled (hand, pierced) , Polyurethane Resin, Copper Nails, 8″x6″x5″, 2022
Ángel Guardián , Polyurethane resin, Scarlet Macaw Feathers, Obisidian, Prayer Bracelet, Gold Plated Chain, Steel Nail, 12″x18″x6″, 2021
Pulserita , Polyurethane Resin, Scarlet Macaw Feathers, Used Prayer Bracelet, Steel Nail, 5″x15″x12″, 2021
Rosario Guadalupano , Polyurethane Resin, Gold Plated Rosary, 9″x4″x2.5″, 2021
Entwined (bound), Polyurethane Resin, Cut Chain Links, Black Light, Dim. Variable, 2020
A Pound of Feathers, A Pound of Steel, Concrete, Rebar, Copper Etching, Medallion, Rosary, Cast Stone, Macaw Feathers, Copper Chain, 6 ft x 1 ft x .75 ft, 2021